Frequently Asked Questions


Make sure you have an account, you are logged in and that your plan is active.


Go to the website page.


Click the Add Website button and a simple form will appear.


Fill in the Name of your website, a simple identifier for you. It does not matter to us what you write in this box.


Select the protocol that your website uses, http or https . We recommend using https and making sure your website has an SSL Certificate.


Fill in the Website field with your website domain, subdomain or domain path. Ex:,,

The installation process for our script is straight forward as it only requires you to place a simple JavaScript code in your website.

Afterwards, with this code, all your website visitors will load the script in the background from your website and give us all the needed details to do our magic and give you the analytics that you need.


Make sure you are logged in to your account.


Go to your websites list that you added.


Click on the Tracking code button and a simple modal will appear.


Click on the Copy Pixel button or select and copy the code from the textbox area.


Place this code in the header of your website, right before the end of the html tag.

If you want to make sure that you installed the script properly, this is how you do it. 1 Add the following query to your website link that you installed the script on: pixel_verify. Ex: 2 Access your website with the page with the added query. 3 If the script was installed successfully, you should see an alert box saying that.

Custom Parameters

If you wish to identify your visitors via custom parameters, then here is how you can do that.

This feature can be helpful when you have a website that has a membership system where users can log into your website. If they are logged in, you can specify their identifier (ex: email, user_id, name..etc) with our tracking code.

Why? This becomes very helpful when trying to understand what your users are doing and what problems they encountered on your website.

You can do this by simply adding data-custom-parameters='{JSON_PARAMETERS_HERE}' like in the following example:

<script async src="" data-custom-parameters='{"name": "John Doe", "email": "[email protected]"}'></script>

If that extra parameter is provided then, in the Visitors page you will see the icon near the visitor which tells you that that specific user has been identified with custom parameters.

Custom goals will require some extra code implemented to the tracked website, which is specified when you create a new goal from the dashboard.

A custom goal is mainly used for when you want to track a specific event that happens on your website, which can't be tracked with the pageview method.

Some examples of where custom goals will shine are:

  • Tracking clicks on external links
  • Tracking more advanced form submissions
  • Tracking clicks on specific parts of your pages

Here is what a javascript snippet would look like for goal tracking:


When this code will trigger inside of your page, the goal conversion will be triggered as well on our side.

1.Is it possible to exclude your own IP address in tracking data?
Ans- Yes, go to website edit section and enter your IP address in "exclude IP column" to exclude your tracking data beforehand.

2.Why for some visitors, I cannot see the session replays properly?
Ans- Possible reason that visitor got excluded from tracking. Visitor has a browser/browser plugin that is blocking tracking or opted-out of tracking from your website.

3.Can Droptrim automatically filter ISPs and other traffic for B2B lead generation?
Ans- Yes, Droptrim automatically filter ISPs and only show businesses in anonymous lead tab.

4.Is it possible to block visitors from certain countries?
Ans- Yes, you can do that from block feature in droptrim.

5.Will the pixel tracking code slow down my website?
Ans- No. It does not slow the website